Every School a Community School

Why Community Schools?
A strategy for organizing voices and resources around student success
Children flourish when communities support their minds and bodies. Thriving children strengthen communities.
Strong schools counter systemic racism, increase opportunity, and move society toward equity and justice.
Community schools are a partnership of community members and leaders working together with student success as the goal.
What We Do
We help you realize the vision

Our 30 years of experience operating and partnering means we are uniquely positioned to help build community schools from initial planning to long-term sustainability.

We provide in-person opportunities for continuous learning, networking, and inspiration.

We lend our expertise to community leaders and policymakers who are considering a dramatic change in their approach to education.

Now Is The Time!
Public policy currently supports community schools and government funding is available.
Students just experienced the worst disruption in their education in decades. We can rebuild a stronger education system.
We know our schools can and must move our country toward a just and equitable society.
Explore new practices in the field

Community Schools Forward
Community schools transform a school into a place where educators, local community members, families, and students work together to strengthen conditions for student learning and healthy development.

Improvement Lab
Continuous improvement is the innovative, collaborative space between the outcomes we strive towards and our current state. This site is dedicated to helping build your team's capacity to adapt and adopt this practice in your Community School.
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To guide and inspire

“Making every school a community school has to be our collective vision. This has to be the rule rather than the exception.”
Arne Duncan, Former U.S. Secretary of Education
Let's Build Your Community Schools Together
With over 30 years of experience, our team can help you transform your schools.